Products & Services

  • Travel Retail

    At the Seal & Go airport desk we have a wide range of safety and travel comfort products for our customers. Safety products, such as locks or luggage straps, travel products, like foldable duffel bags, or comfort pillows for the airplane.
    More about our Retail Products
  • Complementary

    Besides baggage sealing and wrapping, Seal & Go offers some other baggage safety services. Read about our complementary services Seal & Trace and baggage storage.
    More about Complementary
  • Protection

    Adding just one layer of very strong, transparent foil around the baggage exterior, ‘shrink-sealing’ is a unique method. It ensures a high level of security and protection, while the process takes less than one minute. The sealing process is fully or semi-automatic, requiring just a few simple actions by trained staff members, thanks to an easy-to-use touch screen interface.
    More about Protection


All international airports constantly review on how to improve on safety. For passengers safety is, of course, also an important issue. Unfortunately nowadays passengers do not always feel as safe as they should or could. We believe that our services can make a difference.